Dr Andrea Rassell In-Conversation with Dr Deirdre Feeney
In a keynote address, Andrea Rassell will discuss the creation of The Society of NanoBioSensing appearing as part of City Lights.
The philosopher Alfred Nordmann suggests that nanotechnologies may be increasingly ‘unfathomable when we are asked to imagine their unimaginably intricate workings that lie beyond the reach of our senses.’
The installation The Society of NanoBioSensing responds to Nordmann's concern by creating a virtual microscope and playful interface that allows the visitor to have an embodied experience of medical nanotechnology.
Dr Andrea Rassell will discuss the creation of the installation, which is showing as part of Illuminate Adelaide’s City Lights program. The large scale projection combines hundreds of images collected over 4 months in residence with the Ian Potter NanoBioSensing Facility at RMIT University.
Also appearing as a part of City Lights.
Whilst it is not mandatory to wear masks to enter The Society of NanoBioSensing we encourage patrons to protect themselves by wearing a mask.
Supported by the Australian Network for Art and Technology (ANAT), Ian Potter NanoBioSensing Facility, RMIT University, with the support of the Copyright Agency Cultural Fund. Also supported by the RMIT Microscopy and Microanalysis Facility. Special thanks to Arpita Poddar, Matthew Field, and Samuel Anderson.
Presented by The Bob Hawke Prime Ministerial Centre and Illuminate Adelaide

Andrea Rassell is a media artist and interdisciplinary researcher in science art. Working in nanoart — artforms that engage with nanoscience and nanotechnology — she creates experimental films and moving image installations that explore technological mediation and the perception of the nanoscale realm. She is a Research Fellow at SymbioticA and the School of Molecular Sciences, University of Western Australia.
Deirdre Feeney is an artist and Lecturer of Contemporary Art at the University of South Australia. Her cross-disciplinary practice engages with optical image systems as perceptual tools for generating awareness of how emotional experience is technologically mediated. Deirdre’s artworks have been exhibited nationally and internationally and she is a research member of UniSA’s Australian Research Centre for Interactive and Virtual Environments.
City Lights
The Society of NanoBioSensing is also appearing as a part of City Lights.